today is my mom’s 54th birthday.
happy birthday to my beloved Mama, Puan Mazanah Abdullah.
Happy birthday, Mama!
I hope everyone can see,
What a great mom you’ve always been,
And how much you mean to me.
I always think about you,
In times both good and bad,
For the things you taught are with me,
In happy times and sad.
On your birthday I wish you joy,
Just like you pass around.
May all your good times multiply,
And happiness abound.
sedih tak dapat celebrate same same hari ni T__________T
tak sabar nak tunggu Mama balik.. hurm..
muda lg mama ko…bru 44th…waa…neway…hepy berfday mama nieja..=)
Sabar yer sayang……….
she’s coming home soon………
bobo :: eh silap taip la..
bukan 44.. 54 haha..
camne ntah aku boleh
silap taip tadi.. nak cepat
kot sebab aku sebok nak packing
barang barang ape la tadi..
nant aku edit.. ehe..
btw, thank you..
nant die balik, die baca..
C tot :: hurm.. yeah..
tak berapa lama pon lagi
ehe.. tapi tak sabar sebab
rindu sangat 🙂
hepy birthday to ur mum sis nieja..with the good health k.
emm muda lagi mak, bertuah dapat anak sebaik nieja
hani :: tenkiu hani.
kak rose :: dah 54thn this year..
smoga dipanjangkan umur.. 🙂
bwh skali tu suma adik bradik nieja eh
wanie :: yup. 7 ore semua.
start dr kiri tu hok sulung..