I’ll tag

– sape bace die yg kena buat ahah! buat la sape nak buat, mlas nak tag2 orang, org smua bz nak raye

* Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Q 1: 7 fakta tentang diri aku

  1. 7 beradek, anak ke 3
  2. suka b’blogging sejak 2003. ikot arwah my dad kot suke tules diary kat lappy die, n my sis pon ske tules diary.
  3. suke pink sangat2
  4. sng ingat date2 penting, esp b’day kwn2..
  5. suke makan
  6. suke tido
  7. love my fmly, frends a lot..

Q 2: Zaman persekolahan

2(a), 5 tabiat buruk anda time sekolah

  1. datang skool sesuke ati kul bper.
  2. lau malas nak g skool, mmg x pegik. Tapi sejam lepas tu myesal gile x pegik.
  3. suke pegik skool sbb dpt jmpe kawan, org nak g blaja haha..
  4. stiap malam akan ke rumah mber utk tiru omwork, konon ckp nak g study
  5. malas nak bangun pagi haha!:P n if saket perot or gatal2 ke ape ke, immediately ngamok kat cikgu soh anta balek.

2(b), 3 subject favourite aku..kena beri sebab..

  1. BI- teacher sporting. Lau ade extra class  msti ajak me g bli pisang goreng n air klapa utk makan2 dlm class.
  2. AGAMA ISLAM- sbb suke buat note kot jawi. Haha. Konon terror la time tu.
  3. KH- sbb ade masak2.

2(c), 3 subject bukan favourite…kena beri sebab..

  1. MATH- nombor2 ni mmg anti gile. form 1 n 2 suke n tersangat la suke gile vabi kat Math,sbb cikgu cina yg ngajar. Slalo dpt mark 98-100%.  Masuk form 3 dah tukar cikgu, teros xsuke xsuke n sampai skrg anti gile nombor2 ni.
  2. BM- sbb mase form 4 n 5. mase form 4 cikgu ngajar BM garang gile. cikgu disiplin. Mase form 5 cikgu tu masuk class 10min smngu. And die akan soh buat karangan banyak nakmampos. Tapi dengan jayanye setahun me x penah anta omwork die.haha!
  3. FIZIK- cikgu sangat x besh. Suke perli2 orang. Die anti ngan smua adek bradek me.dr abg, kakak, me, adik laki, n adek pompuan. Haha gile.

Q3: Tentang aku

3(a)menarik pada kamu

  • Ape yg menarik eh? :P

3(b), anda tak boleh hidup tanpa

  • family
  • friends + bf
  • food & bev
  • money
  • internet
  • handphone

3(c),malam sebelum tidur siapa anda hubungi…
– tak hubungi sesape.

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  1. nieja says:

    totinx:: aha. saperin la tag i, u smua
    pastu i bosan i buat la jap.
    nak bace buku mlas.
    tapi malam2 x boley tido. takot pk
    psal exam haha..

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